Christmas 2010 fundraising

We have had a lot of support during December. One of the trustee’s employer held a masqarade ball. The proceeds for selling masks was donated to the Trust ┬ú250 Thanks to all. Hope you all enjoyed the ball.

A long term supporter suggested any profit left after a conference that he had organised be donated to CPT. It was agreed and we received £105. Many many thanks.

Eagle House School in Sandhurst gave us a nice surprise when they told us that they had chosen us again this year for their retiring collections after the Pre-prep children had performed their nativity play and after their carol concert. The parents were very generous and they raised the magnificent amount of £1665 WOW !! Many thanks to one of our trustees, Christine, who went along and spoke about us and updated the parents on what we had done during the year. They appreciated the update and were all very pleased to support us again. A BIG THANK YOU TO BOTH HEADTEACHERS, STAFF AND PARENTS for their donations.

Special thanks go out to the staff, children and parents at Fairholme school. This was going to be the school that Charley would have gone to. They had a charity collection after the children’s Christmas Concert. The concert was really lovely, I, (Nannie Jack) had the pleasure of attending as Charley’s brother, Layton, attends the school. A fantastic amount of ┬ú325.01 was raised. I hope that Charley was looking down and enjoyed the concert as much as I did. Sincere thanks to the head teacher for choosing us.

A local school, Walton Oak, held a pyjama party at the end of term. They very kindly chose us to receive any money raised on the day. They did a great job and raised £192.15 Brilliant !!! We hope the children enjoyed their party. Many thanks to the staff, children and parents for supporting us.