Yellow Day Fundraising

Yellow Day Fundrasiser

Every year on May 24th we invite you to join in and support our YELLOW DAY fundraiser. This is Charley’s birthday. Wear something YELLOW and a BIG smile, and donate. All the money raised goes into our Support a Child in Hospital fund. This money is used to fund items for very sick children who are in hospital. Things to brighten their day, items for distraction whilst enduring difficult treatments and for play and educational equipment for the play and school teams.

Yellow Day fundraising ideas

Individuals – Wear something yellow for the day and make a small donation. Hold a coffee morning and invite your friends to bring something yellow for the raffle.

Schools/Colleges/Nurseries – Organise a Yellow day, when the children or students wear something yellow and donate 50p to help a sick child.

Businesses – Organise a Yellow day amongst your staff. Come to work wearing something yellow and donate £1 – Hold a competition to see who wears the most unusual item.

Clubs – Wear yellow, make something yellow etc., and donate 50p

If the 24th May falls on a day that is not convenient, you can hold it on another day during the month of MAY. Or alternatively, any day to suit.

Please contact us for more information, leaflets, collection boxes and buckets, T-shirts (our T-shirts are yellow) and posters.
