Get involved
The success of the Trust relies not only on the trustees but also on the kind generosity of people and companies who support us by donating, helping out or coming along to our fund raising events.
Ways you can help
- Make a one-off donation by cash/cheque or donate online now
- Make a regular donation via standing order
- Place one of our collection boxes in your shop/business or home
- Provide items we can use for prizes or auctions
- Buy some ‘Charley Paige’ Sweetpea seeds
- Buy a copy of ‘Charley’s song’
- Be an extra pair of hands at our events
- Just come along to one of our events and support us on the day
- Hold a Yellow Day fundraiser
Alternatively, please consider making us your chosen charity at your own fund raising events at work or a sponsored run or walk – charity BBQ – coffee mornings – charity lunch – bring and buy sale – charity disco/ball – auction…… the list is endless.
Balloons, leaflets, T-shirts, collection boxes, sponsor forms are available… just contact us.
Unlike the larger charities, who have lots of overheads, we can use your money to help directly where it’s needed. Only a very small amount of the money raised is used for essential costs. i.e. Liability insurance, lottery license (so that we can run raffles and draws) and our annual website subscription, which is very small. No one is paid for their services, everyone is a volunteer. And no plush offices to run. So you can be assured that almost every penny raised goes directly to these families.